Kiwanis Club of Escanaba

We are a growing, thriving service club that supports youth through service projects, fundraising activities, and strategic partnerships. Our mission is to positively impact all Escanaba youth as we empower our community through service. You can engage with us by:

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Seeking new vendors for the Home and Garden Show! Visit our website for more info: See MoreSee Less

Seeking new vendors for the Home and Garden Show! Visit our website for more info:

Thank you to the following donors who made the purchase of the vending machine and books possible:
Dr. David Dewar-DCDpayitfoward foundation, GFWC, Escanaba Kiwanis Club, Lions Club, Joy Hopkins, Jennifer Cobb, Kari Nordin, Kayla Peltin, Sam Larrabee, Casey Sager, Kelly LaMarche, Tiffany Vietzke, Allison Anderson, and Kimberlee Stenson. Thank you also to Mrs. Gagnon and Mrs. Nelson for their dream and helping it come to fruition!❤️🎉📖
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Wrapping gifts for Shop with a Cop is something we look forward to every year. Today we gave it our all at Walmart Escanaba! 🎁🎄💙 See MoreSee Less

Wrapping gifts for Shop with a Cop is something we look forward to every year. Today we gave it our all at Walmart Escanaba! 🎁🎄💙

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Great photo! Merry Christmas!!

Great work, you guys!

Great work Kiwanis Santas! Impressive!

Kiwanians getting into the spirit of the season, ringing bells for the The Salvation Army Escanaba! 🎄🔔 See MoreSee Less

Kiwanians getting into the spirit of the season, ringing bells for the The Salvation Army Escanaba! 🎄🔔Image attachmentImage attachment

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Great job‼️ I sure do miss all of you‼️ and the bell ringing together. I belong to a Golden K club and we don't ring bells for the Salvation Army. It's a small club and most of us are now handicapped. We do donate dictionary to all the 3rd. Graders in the Grand Rapids school system. 🌞

I'm always proud of the work my Kiwanis Club does!

Great job!

We had a lot of fun handing out toys and treats at Downtown Escanaba’s Trunk-or-Treat event on Sunday, it was awesome to see so many participants (and all the fun costumes)! #kiwanisisforkids #servingourcommunityEscanaba Kiwanis Club See MoreSee Less

We had a lot of fun handing out toys and treats at Downtown Escanaba’s Trunk-or-Treat event on Sunday, it was awesome to see so many participants (and all the fun costumes)! #kiwanisisforkids #servingourcommunity

2 CommentsComment on Facebook

Love it!

Thank you for making Escanaba a great place live!

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